Tropical House 2

Duration: BPM: Genre: , , , , , Mood: , , Instruments: , , Royalty free music track Tropical House 2 is produced by

Do you want to feel the waves of the sea and sand on her/his skin? This track will exactly make you feel like that.
The song will perfectly fit for inspirational and motivational videos, YouTube videos, films ,TV, promotions, presentations, corporate videos, background music, photo slideshows, websites, commercials, advertising, radio, viral marketing, weather forecast, web advertisements.

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Do you want to feel the waves of the sea and sand on her/his skin? This track will exactly make you feel like that.
The song will perfectly fit for inspirational and motivational videos, YouTube videos, films ,TV, promotions, presentations, corporate videos, background music, photo slideshows, websites, commercials, advertising, radio, viral marketing, weather forecast, web advertisements.

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Personal, Commercial, Broadcast

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